2022 Fall U of Iowa


Fall Meeting of the Midwest Section

Oct 21 – 22, 2022

in conjunction with the Midwest Regional Meeting of the

American Chemical Society
October 19 – 21, 2022

Hosted by Benjamin Revis glassblower at The University of Iowa at Iowa City Chemistry Dept Glass Shop 



The American Chemical Society 

This first ever joint meeting between our two organizations is to celebrate
the 100 year Anniversary of Scientific Glassblowing Support Services at University of Iowa. The ACS portion of the meeting will be from October 19-21.


Meeting Sponsors: Ian Duncanson, Chemglass Life Sciences, GM-Quartz, North Jersey Diamond Wheel, Technical Glass Products


Cost: $30 (plus fees) for Midwest Section Members and $40 (plus fees) for Non Midwest Section Members.


If you would like to attend the ACS portion of the meeting, please email Benjamin Revis for information on discount registration options for glassblowers.


ASGS Midwest Section Tentative Schedule Friday Oct 21

 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM  Coffee/Networking
12:00 PM – 1:00PM Lunch Break
1:00 PM – Supporting Research and Development at the University of Iowa 100 Years –                        Welcome from Dr. Tori Forbes ACS  & Benjamin Revis ASGS Scientific glassblowing support at a research institution is nothing new, but how long has it  been at the University of Iowa?  A look back at the last 100 years of scientific glassblowing support at the University of Iowa and the outlook for the future.
1:30 PM- 3D-Printing Glass Dr. Joel Destino – Creighton University
The advancement of additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing has shown an extraordinary potential to revolutionize many fields, including glass science. Here we present a review of existing approaches to fabricating AM glass materials and recent work from the Destino Group at Creighton University. The Destino group focuses on the chemical development and characterization of novel colloids and colloidal suspensions for use in 3D printing to fabricate glass materials in new compositions and combinations. We have also developed inexpensive systems using commercial fused filament printers and external extruders to make direct ink write (DIW) machines. Our research has focused primarily on glass-forming oxides, such as silica (SiO2) and germania (GeO2), with a recent effort to AM transition-metal-doped stained glasses.
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM Understanding Glass “Length” Through its Chemical and Atomic Structure – Dr. David Sidebottom Creighton University
The ease at which a glass can be formed from the melt is often described as the working “length” of the glass.  A “long” glass suffers only minor changes in viscosity with temperature and can be worked for a longer time before needing to be reheated.  In glass research, we describe this same property using a concept known as “fragility”: a glass that liquifies abruptly with just modest heating (a “short” glass) is one that is fragile.  Chemistry has a major influence in determining the fragility of a glass and much research effort has been devoted to trying to understand the origin of fragility in common network-forming oxide glasses.  Here we review how the bonding structure of these network glasses might account for the variations in fragility.
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Sustaining Scientific Glassblowing – Is Scientific Glassblowing at an End? – Erich Moraine, Klaus Paris, Benjamin Revis
The skilled scientific glassblower is essential to novel advancements in scientific research. So, why are there not more scientific glassblowers? Why are they and their services not common knowledge among chemists?  We will explore the past and present concerns of scientific glassblowers relating to education, employment, and perceived value while taking a look at what these concerns may mean for the scientific glassblowing career and the future of scientific research.  This will include a panel for open question and answer.
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM Break 
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM Glassblowing Contributions to Biomedical Research and Patient Care at Mayo Clinic – Dr. Kevin Bennet PhD – Mayo Clinic
Discussion of the novel products and devices made possible by glassblowing that has allowed research to flourish and discovery to be converted to human treatments.
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM Celebrating the International Year of Glass and its Future – Dr. Jesse Kohl Corning Glass Works
From its most humble use as a container to store food and drink, to precision polished mirrors used to gaze light-years into our galaxy, glass has been a transformative material that has impacted many facets of human existence. As evidenced by the ongoing research in this field, we have yet to fully unlock its potential, or understand its structure. In celebrating the International Year of Glass, this talk will reflect on the impact glass has had on our society, and provide examples of how it may play a role in a more sustainable future, specifically in the context of renewable energy harvesting and storage.
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM Break
5:30 PMMicroheterotopias: Chemistry Meets Glassblowing – Professor Catherine M. Jackson University of Oxford
Desperate to solve chemistry’s greatest problem, Justus Liebig made the first Kaliapparat in 1830. That small piece of glassware started something big. The Kaliapparat made Liebig’s name. But lampworked glassware transformed chemistry. That’s why Liebig’s Kaliapparat appears on the ACS logo. Ever since, chemists have used other worlds in glass – the microheterotopias of my title –  to manage matter. Making microheterotopias relies on skilled scientific glassblowers. This talk explains what happened when chemistry met glassblowing – and why that connection remains vital today.  Catherine M. Jackson will be joined by scientific glassblower Tracy Drier UW Madison. Together they will present a recreation of discovery through the manipulation of glass by flame.
7:30 PM – Glassblowers Dinner (location TBD)

ASGS Midwest Section Tentative Schedule Sat Oct 22

9:00 AM – 12:00 AM Notice simultaneous events. Pre-registration is required due to limited seating
8:00 AM -9:50 AM Safe Chemical Handling – Rick Byrum Environmental Health and Safety U of Iowa
Learn more about the safe receipt, handling, and disposal of recommended glass cleaning chemicals. Chemicals to be discussed include: hot ammonia or hydrochloric acid, 2% hydrofluoric acid, followed by concentrated sulfuric acid (rinse immediately with water until no trace of acid can be detected). hot hydrochloric acid plus potassium chlorate, hot mixed acid, (H2SO4 + HNO3), carbon tetrachloride, hot aqua regia, hot nitric acid, hot concentrated cleaning solution or hot concentrated sulfuric acid with a few drops of sodium nitrate, ammonium or sodium hyposulfide.  Limit 30 attendees.
10:00 AM – 12:00 AM Stop the Bleed – Bruce McAvoy Fire Safety Coordinator U of Iowa
This is your opportunity to learn how to help someone in a bleeding emergency. Similar to CPR training, “Stop the Bleed” is a grassroots national awareness campaign and call to action. Stop the Bleed encourages bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.” – Department of Homeland Security www.dhs.gov/stopthebleed Minutes count! Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as 5 minutes. That’s why bleeding control—keeping the blood inside the body—is the purpose of STOP THE BLEED® training. www.stopthebleed.org/ Limit 30 attendees.
9:00 AM – 12:00 AM Fluid Dynamics Casey Hardwood and James Buchholz
Fluids and measurements of their properties, a qualitative overview of turbulent and laminar flow,  a primer on pipe flow and mechanisms of head/pressure loss and a hands-on experiment with air-flow through “tinker toy” pipe networks. Limit 15 attendees.
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Tour of the Stanley Museum of Art 
Join us for a tour of the University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art with a focus on the science of conservation. Visitors of all ages are welcome to join us on a guided tour, led by a museum educator or docent. We hope you’ll leave your tour with a sense of excitement and wonder, curious to learn more about the art in our collection. The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art welcomes the University of Iowa community, all Iowans, and the world to discover and enjoy extraordinary works of art, explore new ideas, and cultivate new insights into history, culture, and the act of creation. We create diverse communities around our collections by fostering creative connections across the university, the state, and the world. Through the wise stewardship and dynamic presentation of the collections in our care, the Stanley Museum encourages transformative encounters with works of art and contemplation of the human story. www.stanleymuseum.uiowa.edu/ Limit 50 attendees. 

12:00 PM – 12:30 PM – Lunch Break
12:30 PM –  1:00 PM – ASGS Midwest Business Meeting

  1:00 PM –  4:00 PM – Technical Glassblowing Demonstrations
  • Hand Boilers – James Hodgson Kansas State University
  • Glassware Repairs – Corina Guerra 3M
  • Jacketed Reactor – Klaus Paris Scientific Glass Technology Instructional Chair at Salem Community College
  • “Not just another Transfer Tape demo” using Vitta transfer tape – Aaron Kirchoff Strong Force Scientific
  • TBD – Jordan Smith Purdue University


Spring 2023 UW Madison hosted by Tracy Drier

Would you like to become a member of the Midwest Section?

Click here to sign up and become a member.

If you are interested in us, we are interested in you.  It’s easy to do. Pay with your credit card, dues are $20/year. The Midwest Section welcomes anyone interested in learning or sharing scientific glassblowing technique, materials equipment and tools. No prerequisite necessary. You will get advance notice of future meetings, priority registration when seating is limited, and a price break on meeting costs. PLUS a good feeling knowing that you support the preservation and sharing of this knowledge which is so hard to find.

Would you like to host a meeting?

We are always looking for research or technical glass facilities to host a meeting either via Zoom or in person. If you are interested in hosting please contact the Midwest Section Chair.

Would you like to sponsor a meeting?

Got a service or product to sell? Want to connect with the scientific glassblowers market? Please consider becoming a sponsor of a section meeting or a section video. Contact the section chair for more information.

Video Library

The Section maintains a library of videos relating to scientific glass construction, tools and techniques on our YouTube channel. Some of these are from past meetings, some are worthwhile ideas submitted by interested people, all are available for free to anyone interested. If you have a video you would like to share please contact the Midwest Section Communications Chair. You can find a listing of our video library here: Video Library You can also look for them on our YouTube Channel here: Midwest YouTube

The Midwest Section includes Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and anyone else who would like to be a member. This very active Section meets twice per year, typically in the Spring and Fall. Meetings are a great way to collaborate with glass colleagues to learn new techniques and procedures. Join us at a Section meeting to meet your glass neighbors. For more information or to become a member please contact the Section Chair

Past Meeting Locations and demonstrations.

Highlighted demos are available for online viewing.

♦ Spring 2022 (Canceled)

Nov 12 2021 University of Nagoya Japan Co-hosted by Hideko Natsume and Kazunori Watanabe

        University of Nagoya Campus Tour
        University of Nagoya Glass Shop tour
        Sidearm seal on the lathe – – Hideko Natsume
        Adaptor for holding glass threads while sealing on the lathe – – Hideko Natsume
        Splash guard for diamond lapping wheel – – Kazunori Watanabe
        No blow sidearm seal on the lathe – – Hideaki Hashimoto
        Tooling and grinding a high vacuum standard taper joint – – Kazunori Watanabe

Mar 27th 2021 Yale University jointly hosted with the Northeast Section (Online only) – Daryl Smith host       
       Yale Campus Tour – – Erich Moraine
       Yale Glass shop tour – – Daryl Smith
       Blaschka glass models – – Sally Prasch
       Sapphire tubing to N51 borosilicate tubing seal – – Patrick DeFlorio
       Fireshield hand protector construction and use – – Tracy Drier

♦ Oct 24th 2020 Kansas State University – James Hodgson  (Online only)
       Kansas State Campus tour – – James Hodgson
       Kansas State Glass Shop Tour – – James Hodgson
       Wet Working Area of the Kansas State Glass Shop – – James Hodgson   
       Brief tour of the Kansas State Glass Shop workbench – – James Hodgson
       Convert a 90 Degree 1 arm Stopcock to a 45 degree inline at the bench – -James Hodgson       
       Flawless star crack repair – – Kyle Meyer and Tracy Drier
       Hammer welding platinum – – Tracy Drier
       Precision resizing tubing OD – – Benjamin Revis
       Coil winding at the bench – – Kyle Meyer

♦ April 13 2019 University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Chemistry Dept Glass Shop: Neal Korfage 
      Kovar to glass seals on the lathe: David Fox,
      Internal bellows: Bill Wasmiller
      Perfect vacuum tip-offs: Tom Galbraith

♦ Oct 27th 2018 U. of Illinois Champagne-Urbana Chem Dept Glass Shop Urbana Il: Andy Gibbs
     Winding coils by hand: Andy Gibbs
     Tee seal on 2″ process pipe: Jordan Smith
     Short form double wall beaker: Corina Guerra.

♦ April 28th 2018 Mayo Clinic Glass Shop Rochester MN Steve Anderson 
   High vacuum tungsten to boro seals: Tracy Drier
   Drilling holes in boro with tungsten: ?? 

♦Oct 14 2017 Millipore (formerly Aldrich Chemical) Milwaukee WI Michael D’Aquisto II
     Center neck on a 72 liter flask: Ian Meyer
     Custom holder for a separatory funnel: Erich Moraine,

♦ April 29, 2017 University of Notre Dame Radiation Lab Glass Shop Kiva Ford– 
     Polishing carbon tools: Erich Moraine, 

♦ Sept 24 2016 University of Wisconsin-Madison Art Dept Tracy Drier
     Hand pulled tubing from the time of the Blaschkas
     The worlds first piece of purpose built scientific glass: Dr. Cathrine Jackson

♦ April 9, 2016 Western Michigan Glass Alliance Kalamazoo, MI Frank Meintz 
     Vac stacking to make colored tubing: Kyle Meyer
     Glass tubing crack off machine use: ??
     Basic seals in quartz: Paul Doyle

♦ October 10, 2015 Argonne National Laboratory Joe Gregar
     Hand tooling a joint at the bench: Kyle Meyer,

♦ April 18, 2015University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Neal Korfage
     Bends on the lathe: Tracy Drier.

♦ October 18, 2014 Wild Rose Glass Erich Moraine 
     Tooling a 5mm dia flange on the lathe: Benjamin Revis

♦ April 12, 2014University of Iowa Benjamin Revis
     Angled ring seals on the lathe: Erich Moraine
     Glass formulation chemistry: ??

♦ Oct 19, 2013 University of Wisconsin Madison Chemistry Dept Glass Shop Tracy Drier
     Hydroflouric Acid safety: Erich Moraine

♦ Apr 13,2013 Western Michigan Glass Society Frank Meintz

♦ Oct 12, 2012 University of Notre Dame Radiation Lab Glass shop Patrick Bennet