2020 Fall University of Nagoya

The next Midwest Section meeting will be a free 90 minute Zoom meeting at the University of Nagoya Japan Glass Shop

Fri Nov 12th
    8:00 PM EST (New York US)
  7:00 PM CST (Chicago US)
         5:00 PM PST (Los Angeles US)


Sat Nov 13th
      10:00 AM JST (Japan)          
          1:00 AM UTC (Europe)       
6:30 AM (India)        


Hosted by Senior Research Glassblower Hideko Natsume
from University of Nagoya



and Senior Glassblower Kazunori Watanabe
from Osaka Prefecture University



with live translation provided by Tsuyoshi Nakamura
from Nakamura Rika in Toyko


Our sponsor for this meeting is Ian Duncanson
Past President of ASGS and retired Glass Shop Manager and
Senior Research Glassblower at University of Notre Dame.

We will see a brief tour of the University of Nagoya and it’s extremely well equipped glass shop. Hideko will demonstrate the use of some of her equipment and torches. Kazunori will show us a novel splash shield for his large lap wheel to eliminate water spray while grinding. He will also walk us through his steps of hand tooling a standard taper joint on the lathe then precision grinding it for high vacuum use. Time permitting there may be additional demos.

There will be time for questions and answers after each presentation with real time Japanese/English and German/English translation. If you are bilingual in another language please announce your ability and help share the information presented. We all benefit when we can learn from each other.

Given enough time there will be an open forum “Questions and Answers” period at the end of the call for you to ask the global scientific glass community your question. After the end of the 90 minute meeting the line will stay open for as long as people want to stay on for casual socializing.

Section membership is welcomed but not required. You do not need to be a member to attend.
The meeting is open to anyone interested in scientific glass.

This meeting is for educational purposes only; it is not a marketing or sales event. Please respect this request.

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